This site is about capturing all information that is known about achieving U2's signature sound.
Like Wikipedia, all are welcome to post on this site an share their knowledge.
To begin with, there are links in the panel on the left. "Equipment" will take you to a wiki article that lists equipment used by u2 as well as equipment used by people who emulate U2. "Songs" will take you to a wiki article that lists songs recorded and performed by U2.
Also, please checkout the U2_Guitar_Tutorials YahooGroup. Lots of friendly and knowledgeable people on the list can answer any of your toughest questions. The list is also great for posting your audio/video clips and sharing your setups.
Good luck and have fun!
Editing Tips
Adding Images from the Internet
Copy the URL location of the image you wish to include by right-clicking on the image and selecting "Copy Shortcut" from the pop-up menu. Then, while editing the wiki article, paste that code within the "image" marker:
[[image "paste the URL location for the image here"]]
This can also be done by clicking on the "Insert Image Wizard" button while editing the article.
Example: The following example is taken from the MXR DynaComp article, which contains a photo of a Script-Logo DynaComp from the website.
Embedding YouTube Videos
For every video it hosts, YouTube provides a text box marked "Embed:" that contains the code necessary to embed the video into this wiki. Copy the code contained within that box. Then, while editing the wiki article, paste that code between the "embedvideo" markers:
"paste the code for the video here"
Example: The following example is taken from the Out Of Control article, which contains an embedded video submitted by WannaBeTheEdge.
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>